County Sues Nuisance Property Owner in Rowland Heights

The County of Los Angeles has filed a lawsuit in Superior Court seeking an injunction to enforce nuisance

abatement on a homeowner in the unincorporated community of Rowland

Heights, Supervisor Don Knabe announced this week.

The private property, at 19368 East Heritage Place in Rowland Heights,

is located in a residential zone, but is currently being operated as an unlawful boarding house. The residence, which is only legally authorized to be a single-family dwelling, has been converted into a

nine-bedroom boarding house without the required permits and licenses for approval. The owner has also kept the property in an unsanitary condition that provides for a possible shelter for rodent and mosquito


A taskforce of County inspectors has inspected the property on numerous

occasions, and demanded that the owner and caretaker of the property rectify the multiple existing violations. When the demands of the inspectors were repeatedly ignored, the case was referred to County

Counsel’s Code Enforcement Unit. The County’s lawsuit will seek an injunction requiring that all of the nuisance conditions on the property be corrected.

"The owners of this property have ignored and disregarded the law for far too long," said Supervisor Knabe. "This will hopefully give our Code Enforcement Team the ability to stop them from violating the law

any longer."