Reaching Out To Voters With Specific Needs

In an effort to promote a greater opportunity for all voters to participate in the election process, the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) has produced a Voter with Specific Needs video presentation highlighting accessible voting services and sensitivity in serving voters with special needs and voters with limited English proficiency.

Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan has incorporated segments of the video into staff and poll worker training for the upcoming November 4th General Election. Additionally, the RR/CC has distributed the video to all local public libraries for general circulation and educational purposes.

Making voting accessible to all eligible citizens is a priority, said Logan. This video emphasizes the services currently available to accomplish this and reminds us all of best practices for ensuring our voters with special needs get the service they deserve.

The RR/CC collaborated with its Community Voter Outreach Committee (CVOC) on the Voter with Specific Needs video. CVOC, comprised of nonprofit organizations with election interests, partners with the RR/CC throughout the year providing input from the public sector on election related matters, as well as, assisting with voter registration, public education and election services. CVOC members’ collective expertise helps provide a successful voting experience for all voters, said Logan.

Toward the goal of providing voters with efficient and accessible elections, the RR/CC requires poll worker volunteers to attend training prior to each election. The Voters with Specific Needs video has now been included as part of the poll worker training curriculum and serves as a guide for poll workers to providing election services for persons with specific needs.

The video consists of a 6-minute and a 12-minute abridged version, as well as a 25-minute expanded version with a comprehensive how to guide. Translated versions of the video are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog/Filipino, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the Voter with Specific Needs video, contact Nelson Fernandez, Voter Outreach Coordinator, by calling (562) 462-2117 or by emailing
A full list of accessibility services available through the RR/CC may be found on the RR/CC website
Voters may also call the RR/CC at (800) 815-2666.