County Launches Mapping Software on Redistricting Website

Residents wanting to participate and “make a difference” in the Supervisorial Redistricting process can now do so with the help of new software found on the County redistricting website.

By logging onto, interested parties can access free mapping software tools, allowing them to develop and submit redistricting plans for Boundary Review Committee (BRC) consideration.

The BRC is comprised of residents of the County who were nominated and appointed by the Board of Supervisors.  Based on the census figures, the county’s population must be substantially equalized among the five Supervisorial Districts.  This same process is undertaken for the state Senate, Assembly, and Board of Equalization.  This process is called “redistricting.” Deadline for submitting redistricting plans is June 2, 2011.

Live online training sessions will be available on the redistricting website on the dates/times listed below.  A software training video will be available on the website in early May. Community meetings and public hearings are currently underway to encourage public participation in the redistricting process, gather public input, and to answer any questions the public may have.