County Pushes For Expanded Subsidized Employment

Los Angeles County will pursue Federal and State funding to create subsidized employment opportunities for people who are welfare eligible and former foster youth, Supervisor Don Knabe announced today. Los Angeles County will also collaborate with local Workforce Investment Boards and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families agencies in an effort to get people back to work.

Last year, Supervisor Knabe’s 10,000 Jobs Program which utilized federal stimulus dollars, created temporary subsidized jobs for 11,000 adults and 15,000 disadvantaged youth. The program became a lifeline for many local companies and prevented people from going on welfare. More than 1,500 people were able to move into permanent, unsubsidized employment because of the 10,000 Jobs Program.

“This was one of the greatest uses of stimulus funding in our nation,” said Knabe. “This program utilized smart spending and used taxpayer money wisely, in the end, saving money. This was not a hand out, but a hand up.”

In addition to pursuing this funding, the County will send a five-signature letter to Governor Jerry Brown, President Barack Obama and the County’s Congressional delegation urging them to utilize Workforce Investment Act discretionary funds to support projects and urging them for support for funding.