

Supervisor Knabe joined firefighters and ABC 7 at the annual Spark of Love event in Norwalk. Foster children and parents were treated to a movie, lunch, a holiday toy and photos with Santa Claus. Since 1993, the Spark of Love program has distributed over 2 million toys and has staged parties for our foster children during the holiday season.


Supervisor Knabe reads a book to children at Mayne Street Preschool in Bellflower

Supervisor Knabe reads a book to children at Mayne Street Preschool in Bellflower. The Bring Me A Book Foundation and Southern California Edison donated bookshelves filled with children’s books to two preschools in Bellflower.


New Lifeguard and Paramedics Headquarters

Supervisor Knabe, plus leaders from the City of Avalon and Los Angeles County Fire and Lifeguard opened the doors on Avalon’s new state-of-the-art lifeguard and paramedic headquarters.


Supervisor Knabe visits with the Miss Artesia 2011 Court at the Artesia Chamber of Commerce Installation Dinner on January 17, 2012.

Safe Surrender Program

The Safe Surrender Program, based on the statewide Safe Haven Law, was developed and championed by Supervisor Don Knabe and unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors in 2001.

The purpose of Safe Surrender is to protect newborns from being hurt or killed because of abandonment. Safe Surrender allows a parent or legal guardian to confidentially handover an infant, three days old or younger, to any hospital emergency room or other designated Safe Surrender site.

As long as the baby has not been abused or neglected, the person may surrender the baby without fear of arrest or prosecution for child abandonment. As of June 2014, 118 newborns have been surrendered in Los Angeles County.


Goal of creating 10,000 temporary jobs in Los Angeles

Supervisor Knabe is joined by Supervisors Yaroslavsky and Ridley-Thomas in presenting Congresswoman Judy Chu a plaque celebrating the goal of creating 10,000 temporary jobs in Los Angeles County. While in Washington, D.C., the Supervisors placed a high priority on encouraging lawmakers to extend the funding that pays for the 10,000 Jobs Program, keeping thousands of workers in their new jobs for one more year.


Are fireworks legal in Los Angeles County? How do you escape from a rip current? Should you be worried about sharks at the beach? The Los Angeles County Fire Department and Los Angeles County Fire Department, Lifeguard Division answer all your questions to help keep you safe this summer season!