Member of County’s 10 Most Wanted Surrenders After Press Conference

Michael Lee, one of the County’s new Ten Most Wanted Delinquent Parents, surrendered this afternoon in Superior Court at the Central Arraignment Court facility downtown, Supervisor Knabe announced. Mr. Lee has had warrant outstanding for his arrest since January 11, 1999, when he failed to appear for a probation revocation hearing.

At his appearance, Mr. Lee was sentenced by Commissioner John W. Green to 180 days in the County jail; the sentence was stayed, however, on conditions that he make a lump sum payment of $4,000 by April 2, 2008, an additional lump sum payment of $4,000 by July 1, 2008, and that he pay $300 per month beginning April 1 to pay down the amount he owed. Mr. Lee was ordered to return in two weeks on April 2 with proof of the first lump sum payment.

Before surrendering, Mr. Lee appeared on the 18th floor at the Central Civil West Courthouse, accompanied by his fiance and his sister. He was visibly nervous and admitted that he was shaken and shamed by the publicity that had resulted from yesterday’s press conference. He had been contacted by a number of acquaintances who had seen his DMV photo broadcast on TV news.

I couldn’t be more thrilled with this news, said Supervisor Knabe. This shows that the media plays an important role in getting the word out about these delinquent parents. Our Ten Most Wanted list is already showing that it’s a success.