Be Ready For An Earthquake

Just Be Ready: Prepare Together – Emergency Preparedness Campaign Outlines 10 Essential Items For Your Earthquake Kit

A recent study by a group of earthquake experts states that there is a 67% chance that a magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquake will strike the greater Los Angeles area sometime in the next 30 years. Los Angeles County would like to encourage people to evaluate their disaster readiness.

The 10 Essential Items, as recommended by the Emergency Survival Program in LA County’s Office of Emergency Management, include:

1. Water

2. Food

3. Cash and Important Documents

4. Clothes

5. Flashlight

6. First Aid Kit

7. Medicine

8. Radio

9. Toiletries

10. Tools

These essential items will help ensure that people have access to basic essentials when other resources may not be available during an emergency. It is also vital that families put together a Communications Plan, in case they are separated or at work or school when a disaster strikes. This plan should include information on how to contact each other and designate a safe place to meet.

For more information on earthquake and disaster readiness, call (866) 999- 5228 or visit

Bilingual Public Health staff is available Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.