Beat The Heat, Visit a Cooling Center

If you are planning to visit one of these Cooling Centers, it is advisable that you call in advance to make sure there is still seating available.  If a Cooling Center is not operational, check the attached list for another Cooling Center nearest you or call “211”.  You may want to check with your local library when looking for a place to cool down.  They have great resources and plenty to read while you escape the heat.

If you plan to be outdoors, please take precautions to protect yourself from the sun and heat.

  • Put on plenty of sun block and wear a wide brimmed hat or carry an umbrella.
  • Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Drink water often, don’t wait until you are thirsty.
  • Avoid unnecessary exertion.
  • If you experience dizziness, fatigue, faintness, headaches, muscle cramps and increased thirst you need to relax in a cooler, shaded place and drink water or a sports drink.
  • More severe symptoms (such as disorientation, pale and clammy skin, a rapid and weak pulse, and/or fast and shallow breathing) may indicate heat exhaustion or impending heat stroke.  Seek immediate medical attention.
  • If you are traveling on vacation or running errands around town, NEVER leave a senior, child or pet in a closed car or any vehicle since temperatures can quickly rise to life-threatening levels.
  • If you know seniors who live alone or people whose immune and/or respiratory systems are not working properly, check on them regularly to make sure they are staying cool.
  • Offer assistance to “shut-ins” in your neighborhood.  Check on them frequently during hot weather.

For a listing of Los Angeles City Cooling Centers go to or call “311”.