Residents Warned to Stay Out of Flood Control Channels

Supervisor Knabe joined County officials this week to advise residents to stay out of County flood control channels, rivers and debris basins during storm season. While the County’s vast network of bike trials remain open n to the public on dry days, residents should never enter flood control channels when it rains.

“The message is simple: when it rains, stay out of the water ways,” said Supervisor Knabe. “Do not tempt mother nature by entering these water ways during a storm. You will not win. That’s a guarantee.”

At peak flow, the  Los Angeles River moves close to 183,000 cubic feet of storm water per second out to the ocean equaling the pressure of 40 million garden hoses running at full blast.

Click here to watch a Storm Weather Preparedness video and learn more about the dangers of flood control channels during storms.