Metro will launch a campaign to increase public awareness of human sex-trafficking in Los Angeles County, thanks to a motion by Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe that was unanimously approved at today’s Metro Board meeting. Metro will post information about sexually-trafficked youth on Metro buses, rail cars, trains, at stations and on its website.
Over the past several years Los Angeles County has seen a significant increase in the number of sexually trafficked youth. Minors, some as young as 12 years old, are forcibly coerced and manipulated by adults and are enslaved and sexually exploited for commercial gain.
“Every day in Los Angeles County, children are transported on Metro buses and trains and we have an opportunity to make the public aware that some kids may be there against their will and a victim of human sex trafficking,” said Supervisor Knabe.
Supervisor Knabe’s motion directs Metro to develop and implement the public awareness campaign, and report back in February and March with updates on its progress.
“Posting information on Metro buses, trains, at stations, and on Metro’s website, will shine a light on this travesty in the places it can be most likely to occur,” said Supervisor Knabe. “We must do our part to help bring those individuals responsible for the abuse and exploitation of children to justice.”