County Public Works Teams Up to Promote Recycling, Raise Funds for Toys for Tots

The Los Angeles County Public Works Department has partnered with the County Library in a recycling campaign as part of the 15th Annual America Recycles Day celebrations.

Now through December 7, 2012, residents are encouraged to bring empty California Redemption Value (CRV) beverage containers to libraries in Compton, La Crescenta, South Gate, Malibu or Norwalk. The containers will then be collected and sold, with proceeds aiding the annual Toys for Tots program.

Residents are also encouraged to take a recycling pledge at and enter a sweepstake to win prizes.

Sponsored by Keep America Beautiful,  LA County’s America Recycles Day is designed to raise environmental awareness and promote recycling Countywide while making the holidays a little brighter for kids in need.

Containers can also be dropped off at several Public Works facilities around the County. For a full list of locations and library addresses, visit