Knabe Calls for Public Shaming of People Who Buy Children for Sex

On a motion by Supervisor Don Knabe, Los Angeles County will develop an ordinance and a plan to create a “John-Shaming Campaign” to publicize the names of individuals convicted of buying a girl for sex within Los Angeles County, particularly minors who are victims of child sex trafficking.

“I want the faces of those who buy sex from minors to be plastered across the County,” said Supervisor Knabe. “These individuals are a danger to society, and the public at large must know about anyone who’s been arrested for purchasing a minor for sex. I believe that displaying photographs of the so-called “johns” on the internet, on billboards, and other public places will be a powerful deterrent for anyone considering purchasing a young girl for sex. It’s time for the perpetrators to pay the price for taking the innocence away from young children.”

A draft ordinance and a plan developed by County Counsel and the District Attorney are expected to be brought back to the Board of Supervisors in 45 days.