Supervisor Knabe announced today that Adventure County Park will celebrate its Grand Opening Ceremony on Wednesday July 28, 2004 at 3:30 p.m.
The $4.2 million project, which commenced in June 2003, both expanded and renovated the current park to include new recreational facilities, additional parking as well as a kitchen designed to accommodate a Meals on Wheels program.
"After a year of construction, the new gymnasium at Adventure County Park will become a valuable community center for the people of Whittier," said Knabe. "With all of its new additions, the modern recreational facility will be able to host organized competitions, educational classes, community meetings and social functions."
The County’s youth workers demolished existing benches, planter areas, and chain link fences to help out with the construction project. The following new additions and renovations were made to the facility: basketball court, weight room, 2 ball fields, restrooms, office, shower rooms, enclosed courtyard, concrete walkways, 2 parking lots, and 22 new trees (to replace those removed previously).