Making sense of the measures: Measure A

With the November election quickly approaching, I thought I would take some time and help you sort your way through the dozens of propositions you will have the opportunity to vote on. Each of the measures on the ballot will impact your life in one way or another.

This week, let’s start with Measure A, which was spurred-on by my motion earlier this year to make the position of County Assessor an appointed one, rather than elected.

The role of Assessor has a huge impact on the lives of the residents and businesses of this County.  He or she impacts what is for many taxpayers their most important asset.  For the county and city governments, the taxes that are generated from the funds the Assessor oversees are the primary source of revenue to support critical services.

In addition to the extensive experience and specialized training that is required to be the Assessor, the position also demands the highest level of integrity. There cannot be even a suggestion of external pressures or influence-peddling.  A strong, reliable, non-political manager must administer this critical function in order to meet the expectations of the constituents and government entities which rely on its honest, competent and prudent oversight.