The public hearing on the Clean Water, Clean Beaches Measure is set for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12 at 11:00am in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room.
Over the past few months, you’ve heard me talk a lot about the Clean Water, Clean Beaches Measure, which imposes a parcel fee on all Los Angeles County property owners to generate funding to complete projects that protect public health, and increase drinking water supplies, by cleaning up our rivers, lakes, bays, beaches and coastal waters.
From the very beginning I have opposed the inconvenient, non-transparent and process by which this measure was being managed in order to get it passed. This was the largest protest hearing process that Los Angeles County has ever undertaken, and originally there was no online option to submit a protest form!
I want clean water, and I think everyone else does too, but this measure has too many flaws. There is no specific project list, no sunset date, and it would be voted on by property owners by mail-in ballot, instead of being voted on by everyone.
That is why, tomorrow, Supervisor Gloria Molina and I will put forth a motion at the Board of Supervisors meeting to not proceed with the Clean Water, Clean Beaches Measure at this time.
Currently the measure does not have the full support of our cities or the public and should not be moved forward at this time. We understand that this issue of water quality cannot be ignored, and we must continue to look for ways to refine and improve this proposal.
If you have not already done so, please download a copy of the official protest form, fill it in with your address and Assessor ID Number and email it to to have your voice heard.
Coming down to voice your opinion at the last public hearing in January made a huge difference when we voted to extend the hearing process, and we need you to do it again to ensure that our motion goes through.