County’s anti-child sex trafficking efforts return to the nation’s capital

On the heels of my testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs last month, Los Angeles County’s anti-child sex trafficking efforts are returning to our nation’s capital this week.

Michelle Guymon, one of the two “wonder women” who first brought the issue of child sex trafficking to my attention, will be testifying before the Senate Committee on Finance on Tuesday, June 11 at 7:00am PST at a hearing on Sex Trafficking and Exploitation in America: Child Welfare’s Role in Prevention and Intervention.

Michelle is the Director of Special Enforcement Operations with our County Probation Department and last year, won the California Probation Officer of the Year Award.

Michelle, Hania Cardenas and their team, have gone above and beyond their regular duties, spending countless hours of their personal time, to shine a light on this travesty and advocate for rehabilitation and healing that is specific for victims of this crime.

I am extraordinarily proud that Los Angeles County is being recognized as a national leader in the prevention of sex trafficking as well as the creation of programs to help survivors create a life for themselves.