The Department of Regional Planning asked for my input, as well as the public’s, on the current state of the Marina—what is missing or should be improved in the Marina, what design changes might be made to make the Marina a more attractive place, and what uses or amenities could be provided to make the Marina a more desirable destination for visitors and more livable for residents.
At the Small Craft Harbor Commission meeting on May 26, 2014, one of these ideas was discussed at length—whether or not the public boat launch should be moved from its current location, which would allow for a reconfiguration of uses in the adjacent area. Let me be clear—that idea came from me.
I provided my input to the Department of Regional Planning for consideration and public discussion. For years, I’ve heard from numerous professional planners and developers about the need to consider a reconfiguration of the launch ramp to provide better opportunities to group uses to create a better sense of place in the Marina. It was prudent for the idea to be considered during the visioning process when the long term future of the Marina was being discussed.
After a study conducted by a consultant and reviewed by the U.S. Coast Guard deemed the move to be safe, I felt it was appropriate to introduce the idea into the visioning process for public discussion. It was meant as a point of departure for a broader discussion. It was not a direction and it was never a done deal. Somehow that got lost in translation.
Nevertheless, the idea was universally rejected at the Small Craft Harbor Commission meeting. I want the public to know that I’ve listened to you and I’m removing the idea of relocating the public boat launch from further consideration in the visioning process. The process itself will continue, and I encourage you to continue your involvement, because it does make a difference.